1st Short Course in Space & Hypersonics

On Aerodynamic Design of Hypersonic Waveriders



Course Description

A 3-day graduate-level course is organized at the University of Athens, comprising of lectures on the fundamentals of re-entry physics and the hypersonic environment in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere and a practical component on preliminary computer aided design and numerical simulation of hypersonic flow around a cone and a waverider model in endoatmospheric flight. Lectures will be delivered by international experts and will outline continuum and kinetic theory methodologies for the numerical solution of the equations of fluid motion within the Earth atmosphere.
The course will take place in Athens Armed Forces Officers' Club and the practical work will be performed using open-source software, pre-installed on the personal computers of the course attendees. Upon successful completion of the course Attendance Certificates will be awarded.


Program Structure & Timetable


Course Notes,
Required Software & Installation instructions


Cycle Announced 

1 - 3 July

3 Days Duration - In person



Course Fees

Registration for the 1st cycle has opened and will continue until a maximum number of 30 participants have registered.
Contact us for more information at hypersonicCourse@aerospace.uoa.gr

Apply Now - Full Course - 300€
Apply Now - 1st Day / Theory Only - 100€

#Certificate of Attendance

Successful completion of the Course leads to the award of a Certificate of Attendance in “A Short Course in Space & Hypersonics” awarded by the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology as well as the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.



Have a look at the Certificate here
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